Visual Processing in Low Birth Weight and/or Extremely Preterm

Pediatrics published research on the visual processing of 228 adolescents with a history of extreme low birth weight (less than 1000g) and/or extremely preterm (less than 28 weeks gestation).  Compared to a control group the extreme low birth weight and/or extreme preterm adolescents  exhibited the following: significantly worse visual acuity with habitual correction in both […]

CVS Caremark Grants

CVS Caremark Community Grants Program we provide financial assistance to nonprofit organizations that are providing much-needed access to health care for underserved populations; wellness and prevention programs including programs in public schools and health education/ awareness programs.  The grant application process ends for 2013 on October 31, 2013.  Find out more information at CVS Caremark.

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Active Video Gaming and Children with CP

Physical Therapy has published research on exercise intensity levels in children with cerebral palsy while using active video games. Ten children with spastic cerebral palsy were age matched with their peers and participated for 40 minutes in 4 active video games – jogging, bicycling, snowboarding and skiing.  Heart rates were recorded as well as lower […]


Participation in Leisure and Sporting Activities for Children with Disabilities

CanChild has some excellent resources to help parents and youth encourage participation in leisure and sporting activities for children with disabilities.  There is a participation knowledge hub with suggestions and hand outs to assess different activities. There is also several printable worksheets to help children decide what activities to participate in and what adaptations may […]