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Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Versus Intensive Bimanual Training

Clinical Rehabilitation published research on 47 children with unilateral cerebral palsy or other non-progressive hemiplegia (aged 3.3–11.4 years) who were randomly assigned to either a modified constraint-induced movement program (kid-CIMT – 60 hours of unilateral constraint-induced and 20 hours of bimanual training over four weeks) or intensive bimanual training (80 hours of bimanual training over […]


Measures of ADLs for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology published a systematic review of activities of daily living measures for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. The following results were found:  26 measures were identified and eight met inclusion criteria The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) had the strongest psychometric properties but was limited by its age range  […]


Handwriting and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research on functional handwriting performance in school aged children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).  Handwriting skills were evaluated in 20 children with FASD.  The following results were recorded: participants performed below average on the Process Assessment of the Learner, 2nd Edition (PAL-II) measures of handwriting legibility and […]

Free Interactive Yoga Story

Jeanette Runnings, an occupational therapist, was nice enough to share her free, interactive yoga story entitled The King, the Three Warriors and the Troll.  It can be downloaded from her website, www.Yoga-Yingo.com or directly here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/68740922/StorybookThe%20King%2CThe%20Three%20Warriors%20and%20The%20Troll2.pdf  Thank you very much for this fun yoga story!

Life Skill of the Month

Here is a new packet to download that includes 12 posters and 12 hand outs on life skills.  The twelve life skills are: Oral Hygiene, Cleaning Your Room, Laundry, Personal Hygiene, Meal Preparation, Outdoor Chores, Shoe Tying, Kitchen Clean Up, Telephone Use, Table Setting, Dressing, and Shopping. Hang up the poster in the class or […]


Effects of Visual and Auditory Input on Postural Control in Children with Autism

Gait and Posture published research on the postural control of children with autism under two different task conditions.  Nineteen children with autism (ages 10-15) were compared to 28 typically developing peers.  Using a force platform to assess postural control, each subject completed a visual searching task and an auditory digital span task. The following results […]