
Motor Skills and Motor Planning in Autism

The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders published research on motor abilities in autism. Using a computational approach the researchers broke down motor control into different components.They discuss altered motor behavior in children with autism such as: slower repetitive hand and foot movements slower and less accurate manual dexterity  diadochokinesis – ability to rapidly perform […]


First Hand Accounts of Sensory Preferences

The Australian Occupational Therapy Journal published research on three adolescent males with autism using a semi-structured interview protocol supplemented with visual cues to enhance the understanding of the way people with autism spectrum disorder experience sensory input.  The results indicated the following:  preferences for expected, predictable and controllable sensory input unexpected, unpredictable and uncontrollable sensations […]


Fracture Risk and Cerebral Palsy

Recently a retrospective study was completed of 536 children with cerebral palsy to examine the risk of fractures in this population.  The results indicated the following: the risk of fracture for all of the children in this study was the same as the general population for children with GMFCS levels I-III there was no association […]

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24 Hour Positioning

School based therapists are frequently involved in monitoring sitting and standing postures in order for students to access the educational curriculum without compromising range of motion.  It is the pediatric therapists job to ensure that deformities are avoided through proper positioning.  Obviously, this can be monitored and followed during the school day.  But what happens […]