Grant from the American Legion for Children

The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation offers grants for non profit organization that:“contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children through the 1.) dissemination of knowledge about new and innovative organizations and/or their programs designed to benefit youth or 2.) the dissemination of knowledge already possessed by well-established organizations, to the end […]

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End of Year Lists for Students by the Students

Have you ever considered having the children you currently work with create a list of advice or tips for other children for the next school year?  You could ask the children to submit tips and suggestions that make functional tasks easier for them.  This activity will hopefully empower the children to see that they can […]

Pediatrics Policy on Sensory Integration Therapies

The American Academy of Pediatrics has released a policy statement on sensory integration therapies for children with developmental and behavioral disorders.  It is a brief 4 page document that briefly discusses the history of sensory integration, recent research on sensory integration and that there is not an official diagnosis for “Sensory Processing Disorder”.  The policy […]

Active Play Boxes

Have you ever considered creating active play boxes for the school or home to encourage physical activity time for children?   Sometime playground equipment is not always available at a school during recess times.  Or perhaps it is available, but the children are tired of climbing on it.  Provide the teachers with play boxes or […]