Pencil Grasp, Legibility and Speed of Handwriting

Recent research completed video analysis on 120 typically developing fourth grade students performing a handwriting task.  The pencil grasps were categorized into six groups (four mature, one immature and one alternating grasp).  Speed and legibility of handwriting was evaluated.  The results indicated that there was no significant effect for mature pencil grasps on speed or legibility.

Reference: Heidi Schwellnus,Heather Carnahan,Azadeh Kushki,Helene Polatajko,Cheryl Missiuna and Tom Chau. Effect of Pencil Grasp on the Speed and Legibility of Handwriting in Children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy November/December 2012 vol. 66 no. 6 718-726. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2012.004515