
Adaptive Seating and CP

A comprehensive review was completed on the use of adaptive seating for children with cerebral palsy from January 1990 to December 2010. Five reviews were discovered with all showing generally positive results but lacked significant evidence for “effectiveness for postural control and management, seated posture, upper extremity function, and overall clinical outcomes”. The author concluded […]

Wrist Extension and Hand Function

A recent studied examined the use of wrist monitors on 15 children with hemiplegia to study the hypothesis that wrist extension frequency is an indicator of functional hand use. Using video analysis and a wrist monitor that assessed wrist extension frequency, the subjects participated in the Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA). The results indicated that the […]

Design Your Own Sensory World

Stumbled across this website that is AMAZING! And free of course which makes it more amazing!!! You can design and decorate your own sensory house. There are sensory rooms, lounges, bedroom, kitchen, sensory garden and more. There is visual and auditory feedback so it makes it suitable for different learning abilities. All you have to […]

Handwriting and Learning

Pediatric occupational therapists spend a significant of time working on the handwriting skills of students. With all of the technology that is available today, more and more children are not getting the handwriting practice they once were (nor are adults for that matter). Now 44 states have adopted the Common Core Curriculum Standards which does […]


Autism, Motor Skills and Socialization

If you ever need to justify why children with autism need occupational or physical therapy, don’t forget to include the benefits that improvements in motor skill development has on socialization. Recent research looked at young children’s scores on the Battelle Developmental Inventory–Second Edition for gross and fine motor skills. The Baby and Infant Screen for […]