
Observations and Data with the iPad/ iPhone

Here is a great way to collect observational data in the classroom if you want to compare students’ skills and behaviors. We can state that a student is fidgety in class but wouldn’t it be great if we had actual statistics comparing the student to their peers. Here is where the EasyTag app comes into play. This free app allows you to collect data on many students at one time. It is actually meant to calculate statistics for during sporting events such as how many shots did a player take during a basketball game. The great thing about this app is you can create whatever type of grid that you need. For example, if you want to compare how often a student moves during circle time compared to their peers you could do it like this:

Step 1: Download Dart Fish Easy Tag on your iPad or iPhone.

Step 2: Open up app and touch the panels icon on the bottom. Now touch the + sign in the top right corner. Touch New Panel.

Step 3: Name the panel – for this example I will name it Movement. Select the grid you would like. For our example I selected 4×4 for 16 children in the classroom. Touch the Save button in the top right corner.

Step 4: Now you can edit each box with the student’s names or just assign the students’ numbers.

Step 5: Go back to Games by touching the icon on the bottom of the page. Select the + button and name the game. I used the date for the name of the game and touch save.

Step 6: Touch the game by date and tap the start button to begin data collection.

Step 7: Collect data. Each time a student is moving during circle time tap their name (or assigned number). Continue for the duration of circle time. Each time you tap a name or number each box changes colors. When done you can export the file and email it to yourself for written documentation.

Step 8: Bring documentation to meeting to show data that the child exhibits much more movement than their peers during circle time.

If you need more detailed directions just tap the “i” button at the bottom of screen and allt he steps are available right on the iPad.

If the child is already receiving services perhaps you could collect data on whether different environmental modifications are affecting motor or behavioral outcomes. How about for Response to Intervention (RtI) to indicate that the current level of intervention is or is not effective for the student. Anyone have any other ideas?

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