Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is this week from May 2 through May 6th during 2011. Why not show the teachers that you work with some appreciation. Here are some fun ideas:

  1. Teach a Class – offer to lead the class in sensory motor activities to wake up the brain for learning
  2. Relaxation Exercises – lead a class in relaxation exercise or stress relievers during a break between classes or tests
  3. Thank You Note – do you work with a teacher who always carries out your therapy suggestions? Write them a thank you note.
  4. Fidget Basket – make some homemade fidgets to give to the teacher for the classroom
  5. Indoor Recess Packet – give the teacher a folder filled with simple physical activity ideas for indoor recess. Kids will get their energy out and the teacher does not have to prepare (Check out Imagination Action Journeys)
  6. Bake some treats with students to give to the teachers
  7. Plan a breakfast for the teachers – The students will get great practice of functional skills when planning, organizing and cooking a meal.

Imagination Action Journeys

Encourage movement with 10 imagination journeys to read and perform.
Great for indoor recess or mini movement breaks during the school day.

Find out more.