
Visual Motor Scores and Handwriting

Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics published research on the relationships between fine-motor, visual-motor, and visual perception scores and handwriting legibility and speed. Klein et. al. evaluated 99 third through sixth graders with learning or behavioral problems. Each child was assessed with the following: Upper-Limb Speed and Dexterity Subtest of the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor […]


Kinesthetics and Handwriting

Pediatric Physical Therapy published interesting research comparing 8 children with proficient handwriting and 8 children with non proficient handwriting. All of the children did not have a history of motor or cognitive issues. Each child was tested for kinesthetic sensitivity, discriminate tactile awareness, diadochokinesia, stereognosis, and graphesthesia. Following statistical analysis, the two groups did show […]


Age Related Changes in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology published research on age related changes in 184 children (age range 4 -16 years old) with cerebral palsy. The children were initially evaluated with the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM), Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) and Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire – Cerebral Palsy (LAQ-CP) and again 2 years and 7 […]

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Play Activities for Children with Disabilities

The Alliance for Technology Access has a wonderful, free publication that you can download entitled “We Can Play”. This is a 20 page document loaded with fun, adaptable ideas for children with disabilities. Topics include bike riding, accessible birthday party ideas, games for the car, cooking tips and more. Each topic is a one page […]