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Adaptations for Daily Routines Using Arms and Hands

The Tots ‘n Tech Research Institute (TnT) is an inter-university collaboration between Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia and Arizona State University. They publish information and resources on technology for infants and toddlers. In March 2010 they published a newsletter entitled Using Arms and Hands in Activities and Routines. It offers low tech solutions for 12 daily […]

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Be Organized this School Year

The start of the school year is approaching or here for some of you. Start the year off right with these tips to get organized: Create an organized caseload list of your students. Include all information such as teacher’s names, parents’ names, emails, phone numbers, addresses, frequency and duration of therapy sessions. If you have […]

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Feeding Patterns of Autistic Children

Pediatrics published research on young children with autism and their feeding habits. Questionnaire data was compiled on 79 children with autism at 6, 15, 24, 38 and 54 months of age. Results indicated the following for the children with autism compared to control group: late introduction of solids after 6 months with slow feeding characteristics […]


Need to Reduce Stress? Walk to School

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise published research on the benefits of children walking to school. Twenty girls and twenty boys, ages 10-14 years old, were randomly assigned to two groups – simulated walking to school or simulated driving to school. The walking group walked 1.6 km while on treadmill viewing neighborhood pictures and […]

Negative Stereotypes

A recent study from Indiana University revealed that women who were reminded of the negative stereotypes about math and visual processing for females did not display actual learning of the material presented to them. The researchers stated that the women who were under threat of the stereotype appeared to try too hard in a non […]


Watch Out Pediatric Therapists… Robots May Take Over Our Jobs

Two researchers at the University of Connecticut received a large grant ($404,639 to be exact) to study whether robots can improve the motor skills of children with autism. They are developing a robot that can gradually increase the complexity of motor movements. The researchers hypothesize that the robots are simpler and more predictable therefore easier […]


Self Injurious Behavior in Children with Developmental Disabilities

The Journal of Pediatrics completed a retrospective chart review on 196 children less than 6 years of age with various developmental disabilities. Sixty three of the children (32%) were reported to exhibit self injurious behaviors. When comparing the children with self injurious behaviors and those without no differences were seen between the two groups regarding […]

Unhealthy Diet Linked to ADHD

Recent research in the Journal of Attention Disorders states that a Western diet may be linked to ADHD. A Western diet was described as high in take out food, confectioneries, processed, fried and refined foods. A healthy diet was described as a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fish. Almost 1800 […]