
Robotic Motorized Wheelchair Trainer

A feasibility study was performed to determine the design and usage of a robotic motorized wheelchair trainer. This robotic wheelchair trainer was designed to steer itself along a course using computer vision. Using technology that interacts with the person’s touch (otherwise known as haptic guidance), the driver’s hand was guided in steering actions using a […]


Ankle Strength and Osteogenesis Imperfecta

The most recent issue of Pediatric Physical Therapy published research on ankle strength and function in 20 children and adolescents with Type I Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) compared to 20 aged match controls (ages 6-18). In one evaluation session the following information was collected on each subject: strength assessment, Gillette Functional Assessment Questionnaire, Pediatric Outcome Data […]


Developmental Coordination Disorder and Brain Activation

A small study was recently published in Pediatrics on developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and brain activation. Seven children, ages 8-12 years, with DCD and seven control subjects without DCD, performed a fine motor trail tracing task while undergoing functional MRI. The behavioral motor results of the fine motor trail tracing task were similar between the […]

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Selecting Toys for Children with Special Needs

Parents and therapists recognize the importance of play in children. Through play children develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. Children with disabilities may have limited access to play due to motor skill delays or other issues. Through guided play sessions, parents and therapists can help children to maximize their play skills. One of the most […]

Including Children with Physical Disabilities

A recent research article in the Journal of Early Intervention studied 72 children in an inclusive preschool setting. The children were asked to respond to various hypothetical situations that occur during preschool. The results indicated that the preschool children were significantly more likely to include children with physical disabilities in activities that required few motor […]


Video – Movement Breaks for Classroom

Here is an informative video from Edutopia found over at the Peaceful Playgrounds blog. Four exercises are demonstrated to help refocus a student or raise a student’s level of alertness. Great activities to get student’s ready to learn! Mini Movement Breaks: Download of 60+ quicksensory motor activity cards forschool, home or therapy clinic. Only $3.99


Processing Sensory Information and Autism

Autism Research has published research on how children with autism process multisensory information. Using brainwave EEG recordings, the researchers were able to determine that the 17 children with autism (ages 6-16 years) did not process multisensory information (MSI) as efficiently as the control group without autism. John Foxe, PhD, one of the co-authors of the […]

US Department Survey on Developmental Disabilities

The US Department of Health and Human Services is conducting a survey on priorities for people with developmental disabilities. They are asking individuals with disabilities, family members and professionals to complete a survey to help the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) plan how to best meet the future needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. It […]