
Sensory Overresponsivity and ADHD

Research was published in the Journal of Attention Disorders to determine if sensory overresponsivity (SOR) impacts the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis in children with ADHD. Twenty four children with ADHD were divided into two groups (SOR and nonSOR) based on the Sensory Overresponsivity Inventory. The control group was 24 children without ADHD. Salivary cortisol samples […]

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Importance of Fine Motor Skills and Sensory Processing for Preschoolers

I came across two great articles written by Rachel Rudman,OTR/L to hand out to preschool teachers. The first one is entitled A Preschool Teachers Back to Basic Guide to Hand and Fine Motor Skill Development. This article is also appropriate to distribute to parents of babies and young children. It explains the importance of tummy […]

Plagiocephaly and Developmental Delay

The recent issue of Pediatrics reports on a study of 235 infants with plagiocephaly (“flat head” syndrome). The researchers found a relationship between plagiocephaly and developmental delay. Infants with plagiocephaly were twice as likely to exhibit developmental delays compared to the control group. They could not determine if one causes the other though. The investigators […]

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Baby’s Motor Development and Cognitive Scores

A large study by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies analyzed the data of 15,000 children in the United Kingdom. The data revealed that 1 in 10 children exhibited delays in gross and fine motor development at 9 months of age. The delay in motor development at 9 months was significantly associated with delayed cognitive development […]


Help Needed to Get SPD in DSM-5

The Sensory Processing Foundation has provided information for OT’s, PT’s, parents, teachers or any professional with experience in sensory processing disorder on how to comment on the APA website to include sensory processing disorder in the DSM-5. Check out the SPD Foundation webpage to read sample comments and how to reigster on the APA website.