
Non Surgical Intervention for Flat Feet

A Cochrane Review was published entitled “Non-surgical Interventions for Paediatric Pes Planus”. The research indicates that custom foot orthoses may improve pain and function slightly. Three studies were included in the review. In one study, children with juvenile arthritis reported significant reduction in pain and reduction in disability while using the custom foot orthoses. The […]

Shadows and Autistic Children

Researchers in Italy studied 20 high functioning children with autism compared to neurotypical children regarding picture/ shape identification with and without shadows present. The presence of shadows hampered the children with autism’s ability to recognize the objects. The researchers hypothesize that the children may hyperfocus on the shadows distracting their attention. The researchers recommend using […]

Right and Left Motivation?

An interesting study was published in Psychological Science regarding motivation in adults. Using a computer screen and subliminal images, the researchers determined that motivation can occur on only one side of the brain and body at a time. For example, the subjects were shown a subliminal image of a coin on one side of the […]


Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy and Exercise Levels

According to the Summer issue of Pediatric Physical Therapy only 9.4% of adolescents with cerebral palsy (126 males and 104 females) studied participate in weekly levels of moderate physical activity. The percentage was 11.4% of the sample participated in weekly levels of vigorous physical activity. Gross Motor Function Classification System Levels did have a significant […]

Website for Cause and Effect

Do you work with children who need to practice cause and effect on the computer? Check out the activities at Special Educational Needs resources. These simple activities range from super simple to more complex. The user does not have to provide input to start then progresses to one click to start animation to 3 presses […]


Adapted Constraint Induced Therapy

Clinical Rehabilitation published research on an adapted version of constraint-induced movement therapy to promote functioning in children with cerebral palsy. Sixteen children with cerebral palsy (mean age 5 years 6 months) participated in constraint induced therapy for 2 weeks. The control group received the usual rehabilitation services during the 2 weeks. The intervention group had […]