Free Head Mouse Via Webcam

This is super cool! Enable Viacam (eViacam) is a free download that allows your webcam to become a head mouse. All you have to do is download the software and open up the webcam. After testing it myself, it seems to work great. Once downloaded, the program allows you to use your head just as […]

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Signs of Autism at 1 Month

The August issue of Pediatrics reports on a retrospective study over 11 years of over 2100 NICU newborns. The researchers discovered that the infants who later received a diagnosis of autism had a higher incidence of persistant neurobehavioral abnormalities such as increased upper extremity muscle tone and asymmetrical visual tracking at one month of age. […]

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Functional Skills of Children with Cerebral Palsy

A cross sectional study of 562 Swedish children with cerebral palsy (ages 3-18 years) was performed from 1990-2005. The researchers analyzed data regarding how a child sits, stands, stands up, sits down and the use of assistive devices. The results indicated the following:– 57% of children used standard chairs– 62% could stand independently– 62% could […]

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Parietal Cortex Involved in Proprioception

Recent research published in Current Biology reports on proprioception. Subjects had to determine information regarding touch AND location. The posterior parietal cortex was the brain area responsible to determine touch AND location. When magnetic stimulation was used to impair the subject’s parietal cortex, the perception of touch or location alone was not decreased. It was […]


Information on Technology Supports for Writing

The Texas Assistive Technology Network has published online information regarding technology supports for struggling writers. The objectives of this module are to “understand a framework for the writing process, identify research-based, technology supported strategies to assist struggling writers and to locate available technology resources that will assist those struggling writers”. The module also offers many […]

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Measuring Inclusion in Early Childhood

If are a teacher, parent or therapist for children in an early childhood inclusive setting you may want to check out two new resources that can assist you in determining the quality of your inclusion program. The SpeciaLink Early Childhood Inclusion Quality Scale was developed in 2009 to assess inclusion quality in early childhood settings. […]