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193 search results for: sensory autism


Sensory Activities and Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) impacts millions of people worldwide, often manifesting unique sensory sensitivities and processing issues. Sensory activities for autism can play a pivotal role in helping individuals on the spectrum to manage these sensitivities, build essential skills, and enhance their daily lives. In this blog post, we’ll delve into sensory activities specially designed […]


Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder

If you work or parent individuals with autism, you are familiar with the individuality of sensory preferences. Oftentimes, we observe sensory reactions that are not typical or vary greatly from one child to another. Recent research took a closer look at autism and sensory processing disorder to determine if there were any patterns or similarities. […]


Sensory Feedback and Autism

Researchers have observed that children with autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, can experience sensorimotor impairments before they show signs of social and communication symptoms. Poor motor skills in individuals with ASD may affect many tasks such as playing with toys, handwriting, picking up a glass of water, and zipping up a coat, etc. which can […]


Ayres Sensory Integration for Children with Autism

Autism Research published a review to evaluate the effectiveness of Ayres Sensory Integration for children with autism.  Using the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Standards for Evidence-based Practices in Special Education, a systemic review was conducted from 2006 to 2017 on Ayres Sensory Integration for children with autism. Methodology of the Review on Ayres Sensory Integration for Children […]


Sensory Processing at Home Versus School in Children with Autism

Sensory Processing at Home Versus School in Children with ASD Do you find that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience higher levels of sensory dysfunction at home or school?  Recent research investigated sensory processing at home versus school in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  Each of the participants (41 children with ASD and 38 […]


Sensory Integration Therapy and Occupational Performance in Children with Autism

Sensory Integration Therapy and Occupational Performance in Children with Autism OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health published research investigating sensory integration therapy and occupational performance in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).   Thirty-one, 3-8 year old children, with ASD participated in the study with 16 receiving sensory integration therapy and 15 placed in a control group.  Each child […]


Sensory Behaviors in Children with Autism at Home

Recent research examined atypical sensory and repetitive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder through video recording observations to determine the influence of environmental factors.  The participants included 32 children with autism spectrum disorder (2–12 years of age) engaging in sensory and repetitive behaviors during home activities.  Using the video recording, behavioral coding was used to […]


Neurobiology of Sensory Overresponsivity in Children with Autism

JAMA Psychiatry published research on the neurobiological basis of sensory overresponsivity (an extreme negative reaction to sensory stimuli) in youth with autism.  Since more than half of youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have sensory overresponsivity (SOR)  the researchers wanted to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the differences in brain responses, habituation, and connectivity during […]


Sensory Integration, Social Participation and Autism

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research from clinical records of 89 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ages 4-11 years old .  The research examined whether sensory integration (SI) and praxis patterns of the children were related to social participation. Using SIPT standard scores, SPM standard and SPM Social Participation scores, SI and praxis […]


Sensory Over-Responsivity, Autism and Sleep

Sleep Medicine published research on a large well-characterized sample of 1347 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) examining the relationship between sleep problems, sensory over-responsivity, and anxiety.  Statistical analysis was completed using the  Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire, Child Behavior Checklist, and Short Sensory Profile. The following results were recorded: anxiety was associated with all types […]