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Simple Multisensory Lessons – Spelling

This will be the first post of a series on simple multisensory lessons. Traditionally, a classroom lesson is delivered as verbal or written material. The student relies on auditory and/ or visual input to understand the concepts. The student is expected to sit for extended periods of time and remain on task. For many of the students who receive related services, this can be a frustrating method of comprehending academic material. If a student exhibits deficits in auditory or visual input, failure may ensue. On the other hand, if a teacher uses a multi-sensory approach to teaching material this student may succeed. A multi-sensory lesson allows for a student to learn using the various senses of the body instead of just auditory or visual. School based therapists can play a large role in helping teachers to incorporate additional sensory input such as tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular and motor skills when presenting academic material.

Occupational and physical therapists have a strong understanding of the large role that sensory input and sensory output plays in a students life. By offering that expertise to teachers when planning lessons, all students receive the benefits of multi-sensory learning. In addition, the students who receive related services will be able to experience improved carry over of therapeutic interventions.

By employing multi-sensory strategies in the classroom, information is delivered to the brain from several sensory systems. This spreads the load on the brain over several systems which may result in improved memory. Students can improve problem solving skills and retain more information by touching, feeling and moving to learn new concept When physical activity is included in the lesson plan, students are able to release energy, reduce stress, increase level of alertness and practice motor and coordination skills.

For elementary school children spelling is an integral part of the curriculum. Here are 5 simple multisensory lessons to practice spelling:

1. Spell the words in the air using different body parts – hands, elbows and feet.

2. Use magnetic letters to spell the words out.

3. Write the spelling words on a partners back. Can the person guess what you spelled out?

4. Write the words in shaving cream, sand or flour on a tray.

5. March around the room and spell out loud.

6. Write letters on small objects (i.e. small ceramic tiles from home store, white beans, letter dice from Boggle game, Scrabble tiles) to manipulate to spell words

7. Put paper over bumpy material such as rough sandpaper or plastic needlepoint canvas. Write spelling words on paper and you will have tactile feedback.

8. Hide magnetic letters in sensory table (i.e. rice, beans, sand). Find letters and spell words.

Need more activities? Check out Get Up and Learn! or Educational Sensory Motor Activities.