Using Task Analysis for Documentation

Pediatric Physical Therapy published research using task analysis and a scoring code for donning coats in preschool children. The 171 preschool children were scored three times per year and the data revealed the following:

  • at first scoring 22 children were able to put on coat independently and 149 required help
  • at final scoring 75 of the 149 children could now put on a coat, 14 still needed help, 50 received additional services and 32 had services interrupted

The researchers concluded that task analysis and scoring codes helped to standardize documentation, show small changes and and focus the task training.

Reference: Kaplan, Sandra L. PT, PhD; O’Connell, Melanie D. MSPT Task Analyses Identify Coat-Donning Delays in Preschoolers in Special Education Pediatric Physical Therapy:Spring 2011 – Volume 23 – Issue 1 – p 62–69 doi: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e318209429c

Dressing Skills Rubrics – task analysis of dressing skills with scoring

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