
Extended Time for Tests and ADHD

Extended time for tests what does the research sayExtended Time for Tests and ADHD – What Does the Research Say?

If you work in a school, you are most likely familiar with the accommodation of extended time for tests and ADHD.  Many students with ADHD and other disabilities have extended time of varying degrees for certain subjects.  Recent research examined the objective effectiveness of extended examination time.

Extended Time for Tests and ADHDMethodology

The participants included 30 students with ADHD and 30 matched typically developing peers who completed three parallel versions of a paper-and-pencil test in three time conditions: 1 hr (+0%), 1 hr 20 min (+33%), and 1 hr 30 min (+50%).

Results of the Study on Extended Time for Tests and ADHD

The results of taking the test in the three time conditions revealed the following:

  • students with ADHD and typical peers did not increase their performance on the tests when using extended examination time.
  • strategies that are perceived as effective (e.g., marking key words) were rarely used by the students.