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Postural Control in Standing

Here is an interesting open access research article on the postural control of children in standing. Using a force plate and a visual focus, the researchers examined the changes in postural control in 7-11 year olds and adults. The results indicated that postural stability improved linearly from 7-10 years old, stabilized somewhat at 10-11 years old and then increased to reach the adults level.

The authors discuss that the age range of 7-11 years old is a critical period of improvements in postural stability and processing visual/ vestibular information. One aspect of the study included adding vibration to the subject’s ankle to alter somatosensory information. The younger children exhibited increased center of pressure velocity with the vibration and the velocity decreased with age. The authors concluded that only the adults could compensate by predominately using vision to maintain postural control in standing when the vibration was added at the ankles.

The researchers recommend further studies to examine the adolescent period and children with disabilities such as cerebral palsy and ADHD.

You can read the full article here.

Reference: Cuisinier R, Olivier I, Vaugoyeau M, Nougier V, Assaiante C (2011) Reweighting of Sensory Inputs to Control Quiet Standing in Children from 7 to 11 and
in Adults. PLoS ONE 6(5): e19697. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019697