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Wii Jogging for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

I am highly interested in the Wii and its use in rehabilitation. In a high priced market of therapy products the Wii comes in at a dirt cheap price. There are many university students who are working on “hacking” in the Wii remotes to be able to adapt them for different activities and motion analysis. I also read recently that Microsoft is opening up the Kinect to some developers to see how it can be used in terms of motion analysis. For now though there are some great simple way to use the Wii at home for children and I have discussed some of them in previous blog posts. Just type Wii into the search box on the right of this blog to read previous posts.

I came across this video on You Tube and wanted to share how motivating the Wii could be at home. Here is a young man who is holding onto a standing frame (built by his Dad it says in the comments). Using the Wii Jogging from Wii Fit he is able to track his progress on the screen which keeps him motivated to keep working. Check it out.