
Story Starters – Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

Unlock the world of imagination for your elementary students with these 100 unique story starters! Categorized and tailored to spark creativity, these prompts are perfect for fostering writing skills and overcoming the daunting blank page. The opening line for different short stories can be used as creative writing prompts. 

These story starters are appropriate for elementary students and older.  If you are looking for an easier story starter option, check out the Story Starters Handwriting Packet.

Best Friend Adventures

  1. My best friend and I discovered a map in an old library book, leading us to a hidden cave with…
  2. Last week, my best friend turned into a cat, and together we sneaked into a mysterious mansion where…
  3. In the middle of the night, my best friend whispered a secret about a hidden world under our city where…
  4. We found a strange, glowing stone in the park, and when we touched it together, suddenly…
  5. During a sleepover, we heard a voice from the closet talking about a secret kingdom where…
  6. My best friend and I built a treehouse, but it wasn’t a normal one; every morning, it transported us to…
  7. We discovered an old walkie-talkie that connected us to someone claiming to be from the future who needed our help with…
  8. One rainy day, we created a comic book, and to our surprise, the next day we became the heroes in a world where…
  9. On a school trip to the museum, a mysterious exhibit pulled us into a world where we had to find a hidden treasure in…
  10. My best friend found a key in the library book that opened a door to an enchanted forest where…

Creative Writing Sparks – Story Starter Sentences

  1. The fortune cookie read: ‘Your greatest adventure is yet to come’, and then the ground beneath me started shaking, revealing…
  2. At the stroke of midnight, the characters in my book came to life and said they needed my help to escape from…
  3. I found a door in my basement that wasn’t there yesterday, and it led to a hidden underground city where…
  4. My reflection in the mirror started talking to me about a parallel world where everything I wished for could come true, but…
  5. I received a mysterious letter addressed to me, written in a secret code that, once deciphered, revealed instructions to find…
  6. A stray cat followed me home and led me to a hidden alley where an old woman gave me a magical map showing…
  7. While cleaning the attic, I stumbled upon an ancient board game, and as soon as I rolled the dice, I found myself in…
  8. On a hike, I discovered a cave with paintings that came to life, telling stories of a lost civilization hidden beneath…
  9. In a dusty old bookshop, a book chose me, and as I opened it, I was sucked into a world where I had to complete a quest involving…
  10. A peculiar bird landed on my windowsill and dropped a key, which opened a chest in my room, leading to a secret passage where…

Imagination Boosters

  1. The ice cream truck was not selling ice cream, but rather…
  2. Under my bed, I found a map to a hidden world where…
  3. The young boy’s toy robot suddenly came to life and said…
  4. A bright light filled my room at night, and through the window, I saw…
  5. In the middle of the park, a tree began to talk and revealed…
  6. Every time I draw a picture, it comes to life and…
  7. A mysterious old book in the attic whispered my name, and when I opened it…
  8. The painting in the living room started to change, showing…
  9. A tiny door in the garden wall opened, leading me to…
  10. My pet cat started speaking and told me about…

Elementary Story Starters

  1. In the parking lot, I found a wrong suitcase that belonged to…
  2. The little girl opened her fortune cookie and read about her future as a…
  3. Our new neighbor turned out to be a superhero, and he needed my help to…
  4. A secret message appeared on my computer screen saying…
  5. The classroom’s pet hamster began to glow and then…
  6. A mysterious seed I planted in the garden grew overnight into…
  7. My younger sibling found an old compass that pointed to…
  8. I discovered a hidden switch in the library that revealed…
  9. The statue in the town square came to life and whispered to me…
  10. A lost puppy I found had a tag that read…

Middle School Inspirations

  1. On my way to school, I found a mysterious device that could…
  2. The librarian handed me a book that wasn’t listed anywhere and said, ‘This tells the future of the world, but…’
  3. At the stroke of midnight, I turned into a creature from my favorite story, and then…
  4. In the science lab, a strange experiment went wrong, creating…
  5. My best friend revealed they were from another planet and needed my help to…
  6. The message in the bottle I found at the beach said…
  7. In history class, I got a text message from a number that didn’t exist, claiming…
  8. I discovered my favorite video game was a portal to another dimension where…
  9. In the cafeteria, my lunch started talking to me, saying…
  10. A mysterious old map in the school’s basement led to…

Opening Lines for Young Minds

  1. The cab driver turned around and said, ‘You won’t believe where we’re going,’ and as we drove, the city lights changed into a glowing forest where…
  2. I woke up with the ability to speak to animals, and the first thing I heard was a little bird telling me about a secret kingdom where…
  3. There was a loud crash outside my window, and when I looked out, I saw a spaceship landing in the backyard, and out stepped…
  4. In my living room, a mysterious old painting suddenly became a portal, and a voice beckoned me to step into a world where…
  5. I found a strange old book in the library, and the moment I opened it, I was pulled into a story where I had to save a young girl from…
  6. During a boring day at school, my pen started writing a message by itself, revealing a hidden location in the school where I found…
  7. A fortune cookie at dinner read, ‘Your adventure begins tonight,’ and as the clock struck midnight, there was a knock at the front door, and standing there was…
  8. Walking through the park, I stumbled upon a young boy arguing with an ice cream truck driver about a map to a place where…
  9. My younger sibling found an old board game in the attic, and as we played, the pieces moved on their own, leading us to a challenge involving…
  10. Last night, I dreamt of a time machine, but when I woke up, I found it sitting at the foot of my bed, and it was set to take me to a year where…

Short Story Starters – Beginnings

  1. In a world where kids made the rules, one little girl decided to create a kingdom where animals could talk and sweets grew on trees, leading to…
  2. Deep in the forest, a little boy found a talking tree that said, ‘I need your help to save the forest from vanishing,’ and then…
  3. The last person to leave the haunted house was never seen again, until one day, a curious young writer decided to uncover the truth, discovering…
  4. On the night of a bright full moon, a young boy saw a shadow move across his bedroom wall, and as he followed it, he entered a world where…
  5. A young girl received a mysterious package on her birthday with a note saying, ‘Use it wisely,’ inside was a device that could…
  6. In the middle of the city, a secret garden was discovered by a group of friends, and in its center, they found a statue with a riddle that led to…
  7. A young student stumbled upon a hidden door in their school library, behind it was a room full of ancient books, and one of them opened a portal to…
  8. Every night, in a small village, an eerie melody played from the old music box, and when a curious young boy opened it, he found…
  9. During a family trip to the beach, a young girl found a bottle with a map inside, leading to an adventure on a mysterious island where…
  10. In a quiet suburb, a young boy noticed that every time he drew a picture, it came to life, starting with a dragon that appeared in his living room, and then…

Fun and Unique Story Starters

  1. A strange old man gave me a key and said it opened a door to a different world where every wish could come true, but first I had to solve…
  2. In the living room, a mysterious box appeared out of nowhere, and when I opened it, a hologram of an alien appeared, asking me for help to…
  3. A new app downloaded itself onto my phone, and when I opened it, I was able to control time, but soon I realized that…
  4. During a thunderstorm, the power went out, and when it came back on, all the appliances in the house began to speak, revealing a secret mission involving…
  5. A peculiar old clock in my grandparents’ house was said to be magical, and when I set it to midnight, it transported me to a time where…
  6. While walking my dog, he suddenly started digging and unearthed a chest filled with old coins and a map leading to…
  7. In a world where magic was real but forgotten, a young girl discovered she could see magical creatures and was chosen to…
  8. After winning a mysterious prize at the carnival, I was given a pair of glasses that allowed me to see hidden messages and clues to…
  9. On a school field trip to the museum, one of the exhibits came to life, and I was chosen by a historical figure to embark on a journey to…
  10. An old pirate’s journal was found in my attic, and as I read it, I was transported to the high seas, where I had to find a treasure before…

Starting Points for Older Students

  1. The superior officer handed me a mission that was unlike any other: to travel back in time and…
  2. In the middle of the high school play, something extraordinary happened: all of a sudden…
  3. I found a diary belonging to a young girl from the past, and her last entry was shocking…
  4. During a school debate, a student suddenly revealed they could read minds and…
  5. In the museum’s ancient artifacts section, one of the exhibits started moving and…
  6. I received a letter that was postmarked 100 years ago, and it said…
  7. On my 18th birthday, I learned that I was heir to a hidden kingdom and…
  8. The new student in class claimed to be a time traveler, and his story began with…
  9. At the old bookstore, a book chose me and transported me to…
  10. A strange weather phenomenon occurred, and I found myself in a parallel world where…

Encouraging Young Writers

  1. The new piece of art in the living room started talking to me, revealing a secret about…
  2. While looking at the night sky, I saw a bright light that turned out to be…
  3. During a family reunion, I discovered an important news about my great ancestor who was a…
  4. The mysterious old clock in the hallway chimed 13 times, and then…
  5. A hidden message in my favorite song lyrics led me to…
  6. In the attic, I found a strange old camera that could…
  7. My reflection in the mirror started talking to me about…
  8. The ancient tree in our backyard whispered stories of the past, telling me…
  9. I discovered a secret passage in the school that led to…
  10. In my dream, a wise old owl gave me a riddle that solved…

Fun and Easy Story Starters

  1. My younger sibling invented a gadget that could…
  2. The last time I visited my grandparents, I found a hidden door that led to…
  3. While walking in the forest, I stumbled upon a hidden village of tiny people who said…
  4. My pet dog found a mysterious bone that turned out to be…
  5. The funny clown at the birthday party turned out to be a magician who…
  6. I won a contest that allowed me to become mayor for a day, and I discovered…
  7. The old typewriter I bought at a garage sale typed a message on its own, saying…
  8. In the science fair, a project went haywire and created…
  9. I found an old pair of shoes that could make me jump incredibly high, and…
  10. A peculiar bird outside my window spoke in riddles about…

With these 100 story starters, a world of limitless imagination and creative exploration opens up, offering a vast array of scenarios to ignite the minds of writers of all ages. From mysterious missions and hidden worlds to time-traveling adventures and extraordinary encounters, each prompt serves as a unique springboard into the depths of storytelling. These starters are not just sentences; they are keys to unlock the doors of creativity, encouraging writers to weave tales brimming with intrigue, wonder, and discovery. Whether used in a classroom to inspire young minds or by individuals seeking a spark for their next narrative journey, these prompts stand ready to fuel the fire of imagination and guide writers on unforgettable adventures in the realm of words.