Focus Games for Students

Do you ever find yourself struggling to keep your students engaged and on task? Creating an effective learning environment is sometimes easier said than done. The good news is, there are plenty of great focus games for students out there that can help foster concentration, collaboration, and creativity in the classroom—not to mention provide learners with engaging activities.


Focus games for students are educational activities that focus on improving focus, attention span, and overall engagement. They come in many forms, from traditional group activities to digital tools. Regardless of the type of focus game you choose, it should be challenging enough to keep students engaged while also being fun and age-appropriate.


Focus games can be beneficial in a variety of ways. Kids need focus and self-control to be able to learn in the classroom. Focus games foster collaboration, and creativity among students while teaching important skills such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Focus games can help reduce stress levels in the classroom and promote positive experiences for learners.


Focus games for students can be used in a variety of ways. You can use focus games as warm-up activities, to break up lectures and lessons, or as standalone activities. They can also be used as a reward for good behavior. No matter where and when you decide to use these games, make sure you are using effective strategies to help students focus.


These focus games that are physical in nature can range in complexity depending on the age group and skill level of your class. Here are some ideas:

Relay Races

Set up a relay race or obstacle course and have teams of students compete against each other in fun physical challenges.

Simon Says

A simple yet effective game where one person gives a series of instructions, and students must only follow those that begin with “Simon says.” This game helps train attention and impulse control.


Have groups of students act out words, phrases, or movie titles while the rest of the class tries to guess what they’re saying. Students use their attention skills to follow what other students are acting out.

Dance Party

Put on some music and get your students up and moving. This can be a great way to get their blood pumping and focus them for the rest of class.

Freeze Dance

Similar to a regular dance party, but with the addition of stopping and freezing at random intervals. Students need to focus on when the music plays and then goes off.

Red Light, Green Light

Have students move around the room, and when you call out “Red light!” they must freeze. Then when they hear, “Green light” they can move again. Students have to focus in order to hear and respond to the calls of “red light” and “green light” by the person acting as the traffic light.

Mindfulness Focus Games for Students

Mindfulness focus games for students help them focus on the present moment and practice relaxation techniques. They can also help students learn to self-regulate. Try some of these focus exercises for kids that are already put together for you. Or you can try some of the following on your own.

Breathing Exercises

Lead your class through breathing exercises to help them focus and relax. When they focus on their breathing, they can begin to let go of negative emotions like anger.

Guided Visualizations

Take your students on a guided visualization journey to help them focus their minds. Or with younger kids, just help them use their imaginations.


Incorporate yoga poses into your focus game to help students use a fun way to relax and focus their minds.

Mindful Listening

Students take turns describing a sound or piece of music, while others listen attentively and try to identify the sound source. This game promotes active listening and concentration.


Puzzle focus games provide an effective way to help improve problem-solving skills. Here are some puzzle suggestions:

Word Puzzles

Create a crossword puzzle or word search with words and topics related to the material you’re teaching.

Picture Puzzles

Print out pictures related to the lesson and have groups of students work together to put the pieces back together.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles can be a great way to get students thinking critically and working together.

Spot the Difference

Students compare two nearly identical images and identify subtle differences between them. This game strengthens visual attention and detail-oriented focus.


Math focus games for students can be used to review material and help develop problem-solving skills. When these games help students improve their math skills, it can also help their overall academic performance. Here are a few math games:

Math Relays

Design a math relay race or obstacle course with different mathematical tasks for each lap.

Mental Math

Play a game of mental math where students have to quickly solve equations.

Math Bingo

Create a math bingo board with math problems in each box and have students work together to fill out the board.

Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku is a great focus game for students that encourages problem-solving and logical thinking.


Use literacy focus games to help students improve their reading and writing skills. Here are a few examples of great literacy focus games:


Have groups of students take turns telling stories using objects or pictures as prompts.

Mad Libs

Play a game of mad libs where each student has to fill in the blanks without seeing the words.

Spelling Bees

Organize a spelling bee using the words and topics you’ve been discussing in class.

Memory Match

A classic card game where students take turns flipping pairs of cards to find matching images or numbers. This game helps improve memory and concentration.


Technology has opened up a world of focus game possibilities for classrooms. Even being able to follow the instructions of the activity is a good step in the right direction. Here are some ideas for fun games:

Brain Teasers

There are plenty of online brain games, riddles, and puzzles that can help keep students focus and engaged.

Scavenger Hunts

Set up a digital scavenger hunt for your students to complete. You can create one yourself or use an online platform such as Kahoot! or Pear Deck for more interactive experiences.

Escape Rooms

Create a virtual escape room for your students to work as a team to solve puzzles and complete tasks. Students use their concentration skills to listen to details, and problem-solve their way out of the escape room.

Focus games for students can be an effective way to engage learners in the classroom and help develop important skills such as focus, concentration, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Whether you decide to use physical, digital, puzzle, math, or literacy focus games for your students, these activities can be an invaluable addition to your teaching.