
3 Free Therapist Appreciation Ideas

As the end of the year approaches, I occasional get emails from parents if we offer gift certificates for therapists.  Unfortunately, we do not but it brings me to today’s topic – end of year gifts.  Therapists never expect a gift from any student or parent.  But if you are looking for ideas here are a few suggestions that don’t cost a dime:
1.  Make a handmade gift.  Something simple would be most appreciated, perhaps it is a painted hand print, a poem or a picture.  A therapist, especially an OT, would be so proud to get a hand made gift from a student.  And, I mean truly hand made from start to finish by the student.  You would truly give that therapist a gift a pride and satisfaction in that student’s accomplishments.
2.  Leftover Supplies from your house.  Sounds silly I know but maybe you have some loose stickers, highlighters, colored tape or other fun items that could be used during a therapy session.  Therapists usually pay for all of that stuff out of their own pocket.
3.  Write a thank you note.  I once received a handwritten thank you note from a parent a few months after I was done working with their child.  The mother was very grateful for the physical therapy I provided her son and the progress that he made.  I have NEVER forgotten that note.  It really meant so much to me. 

Any therapists care to add to the list?  What is one of your favorite appreciation gifts that you have received?

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