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5 Unique Physical Activity Programs for Children with Disabilities

After writing many previous blog posts on the importance of physical activity in all children, I wanted to list some specialized programs for children with disabilities that encourage physical activity. These activities are not available everywhere but it does offer some suggestions of what you could be proactive in starting in your community.

Hippotherapy – this is obvious to most therapists but wanted to mention it anyway. The American Hippotherapy Association supports the use of equine movement to support therapy goals.

Adaptive Skiing – there are some well established adapted ski programs in all areas. Here is a website, Adaptive Ski and Sports Programs, that lists most of the facilities that offer adaptive skiing.

Sailing – The Heart of Sailing Foundation introduces sailing skills to children with disabilities.

Bicycle Riding Lose the Training Wheels is a bike riding instructional program for children with disabilities.

SurfingSurfers Healing is a free surfing camp for children with autism.

Do you know of more unique opportunities for encouraging physical activity in children with disabilities? Please add to the list in the comments section.